Carmelite Sisters of St Teresa

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Novena to St. Joseph

(March 10th to 18th)

Breaking the Word

Read the Word of God slowly
Give a silent pause of a minute or two
Read the reflection meditatively stopping at every phrase and sentence
Leave a few minutes of silence for interiorization and personalization before the novena prayer.

Day 1

Today begins the novena to St. Joseph. Joseph is so silent in the Gospels, so ordinary, that it took many years for the Church to give him due importance. St. Joseph is special because he reflects in a unique way the love of the Eternal Father for his only begotten Son.

Reading: Prov. 3:3-8

Reflection: This reading deals with the attitudes leading to wisdom. We see in the life of St. Joseph readiness to sacrifice his own will in order to fulfill God’s plan. Do I seek god’s will in all things?

Prayer 1: Holy Joseph, man according to the Heart of God you whose heart was afire with ardent charity and whose life was a constant prayer and continual contemplation, direct us in the way of perfection. Obtain for us the grace of which we stand in need, in order to arrive at the sanctity to which we are called particularly, a spirit of prayer, humility and surrender to God’s will, of which you were the model.

Hymn to St. Joseph

Day 2

Reading: Sirach 1: 1-2

God is more present to us than we are to ourselves. How can we express the nearness of the Holy God?

Prayer 2: Lord God, in your loving providence you chose St. Joseph to be the spouse of your holy Mother, grant that we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our holy patron, Amen.


Day 3

Reading: Psalm 15 (Lord who will dwell in your tent?)

(Silent Reflection)

Hymn to St. Joseph

Day 4

Reading: Jude- Vs. 20-23

Jude exhorts us to build our lives on the foundation of our faith by praying in the Holy Spirit and to remain firm in the love of God. St. Joseph was a person of unshakable faith and ardent love. As love is from above, let us pray: Lord, furnace of love, set our hearts on fire with divine love. (Thrice)

Prayer 1

Hymn to St. Joseph

Day 5

Reading: Mt 1: 18-25

The intervention of the angel in the Gospel is not only to reassure Joseph but to inform him of his role in the plan of God. You shall call him Jesus and you will receive him as your Son. How deep is my faith to see the hand of God in the daily events of my life?

Prayer 2

Hymn: Have Thine own way, Lord

Day 6

Reading: Lk 2: 1-7

On account of the census Joseph and Mary had to leave their Nazareth home at a time the child was to be born. A long tedious journey would have certainly caused much trouble and pain to Joseph and Mary.

How should we express our commitment to obedience and compassion in the socio-cultural context in which we live?

Prayer: 1

Hymn to St. Joseph

Day 7

Reading: Mt.2: 13-15

Jesus must live in exile and anguish. Persecution begins with his birth and will follow him till his death. Mary and Joseph are partners with Jesus’ sufferings and saving mission.

What is my contribution to make Jesus known?

Prayer: 2

Hymn to St. Joseph

Day 8

Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-12

The Gospels summarize the life of St. Joseph in a single statement- Joseph was a just man. Being just meant, living an upright, integrated and authentic life.

Am I transparent in my dealings, accounts, rules, etc.?

Prayer: 1

Hymn to St. Joseph

Day 9

On the last day of the novena let us praise God for the gift of St. Joseph to Jesus as his foster father, to Mary a loving husband, to the church a faithful guardian and to us a powerful intercessor.

Psalm 150

Hymn to St. Joseph

HAPPY FEAST [ March - 19th ]


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