Carmelite Sisters of St Teresa

Tel. No: +918028465465
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The CSST Associate lives the Spirit of the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa

By living the conviction that:

God is the source of compassionate love; every human being is made to the image and likeness of God; God has called us to work for the up building of the Church and Society.

By nurturing a deep prayer life:

Growing in a personal relationship with God in prayer,Living in His presence,Giving God the first place in our lives.

1. By the exercise of zeal for god’s mission

2. Sharing God’s compassionate love with all.

Living and promoting the values of the Kingdom especially basic human freedom, compassion , communion and justice.

Membership to the CSST Associates is open to any woman, man and youth above 18 years of age:

• Who is generous to share God’s gift of compassionate love for the promotion of His Kingdom.

• Who has a desire for a deeper prayer life and growth in a loving relationship with God

• Who wishes to share the spiritual heritage of the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa.

• Who is earnest to co-operate with the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa in God’s mission of bringing about the transformation of society – a new humanity,

St. Teresa's Provincialate

CSST Associates was started in 2010. This unit has 23 members. They come together for a meeting, on 5th every month . At present Sr. Malar is in-charge of this unit. They are very committed and dedicated members. T

Sacred Heart Convent Rasipuram

CSST Associates started


  • St. Teresa's Generalate
  • Geddalahalli, Kothanur P.O.Bangalore
  • Email :
  • Tel. No.: +918028465465