Carmelite Sisters of St Teresa

Tel. No: +918028465465
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Consecration to the sacred Heart of Jesus

(to be said on First Friday)

Sacred Heart of Jesus trusting in your words of invitation “come to me all you that labour and are burdened and I will refresh you,” we come to you with humble hearts to consecrate to you ourselves and the entire human race along with the whole creation. We come to you in thanksgiving for the numberless graces and blessings we have received from you and in reparation for the offences committed against your great love. Help us to imitate your virtues of gentleness, patience, humility and charity that we may communicate through our love and service the fullness of life that you came to bring. May we as consecrated persons, reflect the compassion of your Divine Heart that others will recognize as “Good News”, promoting communion in families, communities and in the world, that is at the heart of Trinitarian life. All glory be to the sacred Heart of Jesus, Amen.

(Hymn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus )


  • St. Teresa's Generalate
  • Geddalahalli, Kothanur P.O.Bangalore
  • Email :
  • Tel. No.: +918028465465